First the fibers are soaked in water and washing soda to aid in taking the dye.
Then the real fun begins.
After the dye is applied the yarn or fiber is wrapped in plastic and allowed to sit for at least 24 hours before rinsing.
This is the Guild's newest member!
After the meeting, while waiting for my latest spinning student, I worked in my pottery studio on some low fire clay. Just experimenting. We officially only fire at cone 6 here at Libertytown. So I will double bisque these pots. Another step towards earthenware work for me. I was having an off day (do any of you still have days when the clay just WON'T center??) so I am witholding judgement.
I'll take pictures of the pots for next time.
Thanks for checking in!
I am so sorry that I missed dye day! I have a ton of fabrics to dye and I am waiting for a batch of new dye to come in.
Love that picture of our Newest Member!!! What a doll!!!
Anxious to see your new pots!!!!
We missed seeing you. But I will see you tonight at the Patron Show (way) After Party!
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