
Monday, July 22, 2013


Every once in a while a customer will come to me with a sad face, to tell me how the piece they bought from me...the one they loved the most (so the story goes) has broken.  Usually I make MY sad face and respond with something like "I feel so bad when that happens!  I wish I could replace every one of those broken pots!"  Of course I don't actually do that, but wouldn't it be a nice thing?

This time, a husband came to my studio in a bit of a panic.  Well, he may not have actually LOOKED like he was in a panic but by using my great power of intuition I could feel that it was in there....

He brought me this:

Which once upon a time had looked like this:

He and his wife had bought the piece together as her Christmas he was working on decorating the tree he rubbed against where it was hanging on the wall....and well.  You know what happened next.  So I have taken pity on the poor man (and ironically I have since gotten to KNOW his wife in an entirely different group) and am making them a new one.  I have been thinking of revisiting this style anyway.


cookingwithgas said...

save a tile, save a marriage.
Somethings you just have to do!

Tiffany said...

I love that piece! I would be devastated if I was responsible for breaking it as well. :)

Anna M. Branner said...

I am lucky that this particular piece has needle felted heads inside the opening, rather then clay. The clay ones take a lot of fiddling!