
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Three days till Spring.  Do you think Mother Nature has the date on her calendar?


smartcat said...

Unbelievable! Mother Nature needs a good scolding! It was 14F. here this morning.
I remember years when we have had snow on Easter! Please no!

Anna M. Branner said...

Bite your tongue! Though I have heard grumblings that we can expect one more???

Cathy Daniel said...

As a potter myself, I've loved looking around your site - your work is wonderful! As for Mother Nature .... she's got a mind of her own! xCathy

Anna M. Branner said...

Cathy hullo! I love your quilt order for the quilt shop depicts quilts and chickens on the oceanside...the quilts are not nearly as nice as yours. I am firing tomorrow and will post pictures IF they come out well.

Elizabeth Seaver said...

No, she definitely found better plans. Looking forward to more pix of your work. And a visit would be good!

Tracey Broome said...

I think Mother Nature is pissed off about something! I keep trying to remember what a blue sky looks like....